Entries by admin

Abstract submission is open

Abstract submission for EECAAC 2018 is now open. Parallel sessions of the Conference program will included presentations selected from submitted abstracts. When submitting an abstract, conference delegates can apply for an oral presentation or a poster presentation. Delegates can also choose to have their abstract considered only for inclusion in the printed volume of abstracts. […]

EECAAC 2018 Registration is open

Dear colleagues! We are glad to announce that the registration for the VI Eastern Europe and Central Asia AIDS Conference (EECAAC-2018) is now open. The largest regional forum on HIV/AIDS will be held in Moscow on April 18-20, 2018. The Conference focuses on discussing the measures for eliminating the epidemic of HIV and other socially […]

EECAAC-2018 HIV Symposium Summaries (21.02.17)

Within the framework of the 6th Eastern Europe and Central Asia AIDS Conference, a symposium covering scientific and practical aspects of HIV/AIDS was held in Moscow, Russia on February 21, 2017. The goal of this symposium was the transfer of information and discussion about current approaches to prevention, treatment and access to treatment for HIV […]

Applications open for the European AIDS Clinical Society’s HIV Summer School 2017

7-11 September 2017 South of France The European AIDS Clinical Society’s (EACS) summer courses have been important training grounds for many of today’s leading HIV clinicians throughout the world. This 5-day course is designed for clinicians experienced in HIV management who want an update on the current issues in all aspects of HIV Medicine and […]

Interviews with the speakers of EECAAC-2018 1st Organizing committee meeting

Luiz Loures UNAIDS Deputy Executive Director, Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations It’s been a year since the global Community adopted Fast-Track strategy to end the AIDS epidemic. What changes have you seen so far? How do the countries mobilize to achieve the targets? A lot has changed in terms of the global context. I […]

HIV Cases Surpass a Million in Russia

ST. PETERSBURG, Russia — Quietly, the number of Russians who have received a positive H.I.V. diagnosis passed the one million mark this year. There is, however, little indication that the government will commit adequate resources to stem the acceleration of the virus from high-risk groups into the general population. About 850,000 Russians carry H.I.V. and […]


A national HIV prevention campaign, #STOPHIVAIDS, has been launched in Moscow, Russian Federation, by Svetlana Medvedeva, spouse of the Russian Prime Minister, with the participation of the ministries of health, education and communications and the Russian agency for consumer protection, Rospotrebnadzor. The campaign was launched at the Second Forum on HIV Prevention and Treatment, organized […]

Russian government approved the State Strategy to Combat the Spread of HIV through 2020 and beyond

The government of the Russian Federation approved the strategy of combating HIV through 2020 and beyond. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev published the corresponding order on the website of the Cabinet. The strategy involves the preparation of special programs on informing the population, particularly vulnerable groups of citizens and the establishment of a database of HIV-positive […]